Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dried Corn, aka my favorite food in the world

For starters, you should know that this is a very "Pennsylvania Dutch" dish (meaning it was invented by German immigrants using native food).  After knowing that bit of trivia, you should know that if you are lucky enough to be in the state of Pennsylvania, you can buy Cope's Dried Corn, and skip the drying yourself.  You can also find it in some stores in Ohio and in Southern Season in Chapel Hill.


  • 2 cans of corn, 600g or so (or frozen corn, about a pound)
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 3T butter
  • salt
  • sugar
  • 1/2 cup light cream


  • Drain the corn. Use a salad spinner if you have it to get the extra milk out.
  • Put it on parchment paper on a baking sheet and let dry in a 250F oven.  Stir every ten to fifteen minutes to make sure no kernels are burning.
  • Once all the water is out of the corn, melt 2T of butter in the bottom of the pan.  Add the corn.
  • Pour in half a liter of milk.  Bring to a simmer and let cook on low for a long time.
  • Add milk as it gets soaked up.
  • When the corn is as tender as you like, add sugar and salt to taste. Stir in the cream.
  • It is very excellent with a bit of black pepper on top!

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